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Designer Rivet Substance Tool

current price: $5    $7


Product ID: 028
Published: Feb 15, 2022
Geometry: Included
Normal Map: Yes
AO Map: Yes
Mask: Yes
Maps file format: JPEG
Geometry file format: .FBX
Substance Tool: .SPPR


This is a substance painter stamp tool. It can be used for texturing garments and adding a Rivet on that garment without any polygon addition.

Simply you need to load it in substance painter and stamp it at desired position and export the maps. It will export the maps according to the garment UV. Once you have the exported map load the maps in the final substance file to achieve the same quality Rivet at the desired place.


4096*4096 Occlusion Map
4096*4096 Normal Map
4096*4096 Mask Map
 Geometry: additionally geometry is also provided for your convenience in .FBX format. So if you want a higher resolution map you can bake them easily using the given geometry.

Note: If the “.SPPR” file doesn’t work on your substance painter then you can easily create the new “.SPPR” using those high-quality maps.

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